On this episode of the Rewilding Podcast, I converse with Carmen Spagnola about the necessary self and community care that comes with the realization that we are living in a collapse. Carmen works at the intersection of somatics, trauma recovery, attachment, and mysticism. Her approach to collapse – navigating the converging emergencies of large scale cooperation dilemmas – weaves Wendell Berry sensibilities with Octavia Butler realities. Her book The Spirited Kitchen: Recipes and Rituals for the Wheel of the Year, comes out in the fall of 2022.
Carmen’s Social Media
Carmen’s Website
The Spirited Kitchen Book
Utne Reader/Geez Magazine: Preparing for a Beautiful End
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Peak Oil
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
The Oil Drum
John Michael Green
Sharon Astyk
Carolyn Baker: Love in a Time of Apocalypse & Conscious Collapsing
The Collapse of Civilization May Have Already Begun
Wilderness First Responder
Peter Levine
Stephen Porges
Believers by Lisa Wells
The “Collapse” of Cooperative Hohokam Irrigation in the Lower Salt River Valley