3 Comments on “Rewilding Mentioned in Adbusters”

  1. Rewilding is the new black. Oh so trendy! Lets hope it doesn’t get co-opted by mainstream culture the way every single other counterculture movement has…

    just last night I was Balkan dancing with some…oh how to say it nicely…hipster types, and someone asked me about getting wild rice and I told about that including the elk skins we used to line the pits we jigged the rice in, and one person was like “cute…where did you get elk skins?” So I had to talk about my “rewilder” adventures and that person was like “yeah…I’ve heard of that…primitivists with day-jobs…”

    I’m not sure what the point is…I guess I was just sorta surprised that this person had heard about the “movement” at all…

    But in general, I think most of the people who are exposed to my rewilder stories (or anyone’s,) come away with a wider/wilder view of the world…most of the time, opening someone’s mind is a good thing, yes?
