Depression & Rewilding w/ Sheila Henson || The Rewilding Podcast
I’ve lived with depression for most of my life. I’ve learned to manage my symptoms in order to function and live a more fulfilling life. I’ve dedicated this episode to working through some of the areas of overlap between depression and rewilding. This is a very personal topic that lives close to my heart. I…
Poor Proles Almanac Podcast
I was recently on the Poor Proles Almanac Podcast. I talked too long and so they split it into two parts. 🙂 Poor Proles Almanac Podcast: Finding Place with Peter Michael Bauer (Part 1) Poor Proles Almanac Podcast: Finding Place with Peter Michael Bauer (Part 2)
A Conversation w/ Lisa Wells || The Rewilding Podcast
Lisa Wells is the author of Believers: Making a Life at the End of the World, The Fix, and winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize. Her essays have been published by The New York Times, Harper’s Magazine, Granta, The Believer, n+1 and others. She lives in Seattle and writes a column for Orion Magazine called…
The Handmade Life w/ Delia Ann Turner || The Rewilding Podcast
In this episode I converse with someone who has greatly inspired me, Delia Ann Turner. Delia co-owns and operates The School of the Greenwood: For Creative Rewilding. Delia is an amazing craftsperson and educator. Our topics wandered from making hand crafts, living off the grid, traveling to learn from communities where hand made crafts are…
5 Ways to Start Rewilding || The Rewilding Podcast
In this episode, I answer three questions from my patrons on patreon: What is your advice for people just beginning on their rewilding journeys? What is your favorite part of rewilding? What are your favorite books for rewilders to use for help rewilding?
Exploring “Cancel Culture” w/ Clementine Morrigan || The Rewilding Podcast
Today I’m chatting with Clementine Morrigan, a prolific writer and podcaster covering a range of topics. In this conversation we talk about “cancel and call out culture” and the challenges of transcending punishment and imprisonment, in order to move toward a more egalitarian, transformative justice process when conflict arises–as it inevitably does–in our communities. Notes:…
Survival and the Will to Live w/ Eli Loomis || The Rewilding Podcast
Eli Loomis is an instructor and Executive Director at Boulder Outdoor Survival School (BOSS) in Utah. At 53 years old, BOSS is the oldest survival school in the country. It is notorious for its long, minimalist desert treks, including a 28-day field course. In this conversation, Eli and I talk about the history of BOSS,…
A Conversation w/ John Zerzan || The Rewilding Podcast
Today I’m chatting with John Zerzan, long time anarchist author, speaker and host of Anarchy Radio out of Eugene, Oregon. John’s writing has been instrumental in crafting the rewilding narrative. In this conversation, we jump right into some of the themes and history of primal anarchy, and work our way around various topics. Notes •…
Primal Anarchy w/ Natasha Tucker || The Rewilding Podcast
This episode is the first half of a conversation between myself and Natasha Tucker from Primal Anarchy Podcast. The second half will be released by them and a link posted here will connect you to it. The last time Natasha and I conversed this much was in my living room after the Rewilding Conference in…
The Ethics of Craft Culture w/ Lise Silva Gomes
In this episode I chat with Lise Silva Gomes, an artist who works with fiber, knots, paint and more, who has spent a great deal of time thinking and teaching about community grounded art practice. A huge aspect of rewilding is the practice of ancestral skills–learning to use your hands to create the technologies that…
Fighting for Tribal Peoples w/ Stephen Corry || The Rewilding Podcast
“The earth’s biodiversity depends [very directly] on its human diversity.” Stephen Corry In this episode I chat with Stephen Corry, the former director of Survival International, a global organization that supports indigenous peoples in their struggles against colonialism. We talk about why the organization is important, and how it relates directly to rewilding. Stephen discusses…
Embodied Anthropology || The Rewilding Podcast
Much of the narratives found in rewilding originate from the study of cultures outside of civilization, through the discipline of anthropology. In this episode I chat with two of my friends that dwell in the academic world, around the challenges of navigating the benefits and problems with the institution of anthropology and the practical applications…